Apple iOS 14 Update May Cause Massive Battery Drains

As you may be aware, well, if you own an Apple iPhone at least, you may have recently been prompted to make the update to the latest iOS 14 operating system. Promising a number of improvements and enhancements, however, a number of users are reporting that they have definitely seen some changes, but definitely not for the better.
Apple iOS 14 Bring Issues Not Improvements?
Since making the update, a number of users have begun reporting general issues with how their iPhone works, and this isn’t just limited to that tech either as the watchOS 7 update has also brought along several similar problems. These include; missing health data, apps not opening correctly, data not being stored properly.
Among all the complaints, however, one of the most common is that since making the update, the battery lifespan has been nearly obliterated. As per the Twitter post below, some are suggesting that their phones are going from 90% charged to 3% in less than an hour!
“If you haven’t done the iOS 14 update; DONT DO IT. The battery drain is unbelievable. From 90% to 3% in one hour.” @Apple @AppleSupport @apple
— pratish gupta (@pratishgupta16) September 28, 2020
Any Fixes?
Since the release of iOS 14, Apple has launched a ‘hotfix’ patch that looks to correct a number of issues the update created. So if you have made the move to iOS 14, it may be well worth checking your smart device out just to see if any further updates are available to you. It should be noted that though, at the time of writing, it’s unclear if the battery issue is directly linked into iOS 14 and, more so, whether the latest version will fix the issue if it is.
Put simply though, if your iPhone is badgering you to make the update, it seems more than a little prudent to put it off for a week or so until Apple can finish ironing out the apparent bugs its creating!
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