Apple has reportedly discontinued its Vision Pro mixed reality headset after failing to meet first-year sales targets. Launched in the US in February 2024, with earlier availability in some countries, the $3,500 headset had high expectations but struggled to gain traction in the market.
According to the Financial Times, Apple initially set an ambitious target of selling one million units in the Vision Pro’s first year. However, this goal was drastically revised due to manufacturing challenges and disappointing sales. Production targets have been cut by more than half. A report from The Information (thanks VGC) suggests that the limited user base failed to justify ongoing production. Apple’s current focus is to sell out remaining stock by the end of 2025.
Despite the discontinuation, a second-generation Vision Pro is reportedly in development. However, its production has been temporarily halted. Rumors indicate that the new model will feature updated designs and integrate Apple Intelligence, the AI system recently introduced in iPhones. This next iteration is expected to reignite interest, especially if launched at a lower price point.
Apple’s decision highlights the difficulties of introducing groundbreaking technology in a highly competitive market, prompting the company to rethink its strategy for mixed reality devices.
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