Apple’s “Refreshed” iPod Touch Is Identical To Previous-Gen, Less Storage
Yesterday Apple unveiled its refreshed 16GB iPod Touch device. There has a been a lot of media hype about the “new” device but according to an iFixIt teardown the device is actually not new at all. It is of course worth mentioning Apple did not claim to be releasing anything new but the fact they have re-released the same product will most certainly mean people will pick up on it being new, the media and many retailers are already doing so. The device is part-for-part identical to the current iPod Touch with the only difference being storage has been halved from 32GB to 16GB. The fact the device is identical to the previous generation also means its repairability is equally as dismal:
“We delved inside Apple’s ‘refreshed’ device and found the same components we’d seen in Touches of yesteryear, but with 16 GB of on-board flash memory. So it’s not really that this 16 GB variant gains a camera — instead, it loses half of its 32 GB of storage. Unfortunately, the same construction means the same dismal repairability. All the issues from the previous generation are present, leading to its 3 out of 10 repairability score. It’s tough to pry open, the battery is soldered on, and most of the other components are linked together via interconnect cables. If one component fails, you’ll have to replace two or three functional components in addition to the broken one.” Notes iFixIt.
Now that we’ve established that it is just the same old stuff Apple are releasing to the market, will that stop people from buying it? Of course not, it is an Apple product after all….
Source: iFixIt
Image courtesy of iFixIt
This is why i do not like apple, you pay a premium price for sub par technology that costs and arm and a leg to repair due to its construction, i would rather have a cheap mp3 play, or better still, use my android phone that has all the function of an ipod mixed with the ability to make calls, oh wait just like an iphone.
Simply this is just another way to squeeze more money out of hipsters with to much money.