Arkham Knight PC Won’t Be Fixed Until Fall 2015
Kotaku Australia has reported that it got its hands on an internal email from EB Games, in which Warner Bros claimed that Batman: Arkham Knight for the PC will not be fixed until the Australian Spring or Fall for everyone else.
As that email reads:
“As previously advised, we have stopped sales of Batman: Arkham Knight PC while Warner and Rocksteady work on addressing performance issues with the game. The latest information from Warner is that the updates won’t be available until Spring. Due to this we have made the difficult decision to recall all PC stock from stores to return to the vendor until an acceptable solution is released.”
Only a few days ago Warner Bros claimed that Rockstready is hard at work on the fixing process of Batman Arkham Knight and while the game’s Steam entry has been recently updated with various fixed it seems very unlikely that we will see any performance patch to be released this summer.
Although it’s nice to know their working on a fix for Batman it just seems rather late to be releasing it in fall with so many other games coming out in that time such as Battlefront and Fallout 4, many of those may be left sour from the bad experience of the games poor performance and probably won’t be very interested in buying or playing when this fix drops in November, it doesn’t help that this game was delayed from October to June; that’s 8 months of waiting and now another 3+ months!
While for those that are still playing Batman: Arkham Knight the Steam community is full of guides and tutorials to improve performance and to get the best experience with the poor optimization. What do you think are the developers leaving this too late?
Thank you DarkSideOfGaming for providing us with this information