Asus Radeon HD 6950 OC 2GB
Andy Ruffell / 14 years ago
Packaging and Bundle
The package is the familiar simple affair that we’ve seen on similar cards in the past. Bright colours and fancy graphics are always a must on products like this and Asus haven’t skimped this time. The main features are listed including the notification that it’s an overclock edition, albeit only by 10MHz but it does still count!
The bottom of the box is where we can find the minimum system requirements of which the main important factor is the need for a 600W power supply with a 12V current rating of 42A. For users in other countries, the packaging caters for you as the text is multi-lingual.
The back is always full of information and most of the time we have to admit, it’s the same thing you see on other cards. It tells you the main features which you saw on the front, and just explains through things in a bit more detail but you’d moan if the back was plain and didn’t have anything on it. One nice feature on this box is the connection diagram showing exactly what type of devices and monitors can be connected and by what means.
The box inside seems as if it’s from a different class of packaging all-together, with its fancy matt black finish and gold writing.
I can only expect to open it up and find a set of the finest cigars and a bottle of Cognac inside! Instead I am greeted with two sections branding the same stylish box.
One side includes a twin Molex to 6-pin PCI-Express adapter and CrossFire bridge.
The other side has an almost A4 size packaging to house a driver CD and quick installation guide. On first impressions it would seem the packaging is a big waste of money for what’s included inside, which is a shame as it certainly looks somewhat special.