ASUS ROG GL702Z Ryzen Gaming Laptop Review
Power Consumption and Temperatures
I was quick to think that the Ryzen CPU would be noticeably hotter than the Intel offerings, but that’s clearly not the case.. At 74c under heavy load, it’s running just fine. Of course, the larger laptop design does mean more room for heat dissipation, but hey, if it works, it works. The same goes for the GPU, as it topped out at 68c, making it one of the coolest mobile GPUs we’ve tested… didn’t see that one coming, I must admit.
The GL702Z isn’t the quietest or the loudest we’ve tested, if anything, it’s pretty average for a gaming laptop in terms of acoustics.
After buy this product he work for 6 mouths then he die and I send him at support of Asus they tell that they repair it and send it to me but when I re get my product back from repairs he don’t work again after 10-15 min of gaming this product don’t work. They tell me to make a video and send the video to support I do it and wait a reply.
Before this product die he work very well at max fps but only for 6 mouths.