ASUS ROG MAXIMUS Z890 HERO Motherboard Review
Cinebench 2024
Cinebench 2024 is a cross-platform benchmarking tool used to evaluate both CPU and GPU performance. Unlike previous versions which focused solely on CPU, it now leverages Maxon’s Redshift rendering engine to assess a system’s capability for handling demanding 3D tasks. It provides scores for both single-core and multi-core CPU performance, as well as a separate GPU score, making it a comprehensive solution for understanding your system’s overall rendering capabilities.
Available now on Maxon.

Blender 4.2.0
Blender 4.2.0 is a powerful, open-source 3D creation suite, not a benchmarking tool itself. It excels in tasks like 3D modeling, sculpting, animation, texturing, shading, lighting, simulation, rendering, video editing, and compositing. While it doesn’t provide a benchmark score, you can use Blender to indirectly benchmark your system by measuring render times for complex scenes. This can give you a sense of how well your hardware handles demanding 3D workloads.
Available now from