Australia To Introduce Phone Cameras To Catch People While Driving
Mike Sanders / 7 years ago
Australia To Introduce Cameras To Catch People on their Phone While Driving
I think it’s a fairly certain thing to say that using your phone while driving is not a good idea. Regardless of what some might say, it clearly distracts your attention and has been the cause of many, many, accidents over recent years. Particularly since phones have become easier to handle and interact with.
While in the UK the penalty is generally a fine and 3 points on your license getting caught requires the police to (in most instances) catch you in the act. In answer to this though, Australia may have an interesting solution.
In a report via UberGizmo, the Australian police and transportation board are going to introduce cameras. Not to catch people speeding, but to catch them using their phones while driving.
A logical progression
These days there are cameras for pretty much everything. Watching you don’t steal from shops, watching you don’t speed, watching how long you have parked etc. so therefore the introduction of cameras specifically to attempt to identify people driving with their phones does make a lot of sense.
Assistant Commissioner of the NSW Traffic, Mick Corboy, has said that: “the way we are going to defeat this is by video evidence, by photographic evidence and we are looking at everything possible around the world at the moment and we think we’ll get something in place fairly quickly.”
This will, of course, have many complaining again about a big brother state or a means of raising money, but in truth, to me at least, the idea makes great sense. You are distracted when you use your phone at the wheel. Particularly, in addition, when sending a text message. If there is a genuine means of getting caught, besides from the police spot you, I think it’s a great idea and I’d welcome it here in the UK.
What do you think? Is this a good idea? A safety measure or a means to make money? In addition, would you like to see this in your country? – Let us know in the comments!