Gareth Andrews

Over £5b Worth of Gaming Skins Were Bet Illegally in 2015

Gambling sites are a huge problem for many, with anyone and everyone being able to pop online and place a…

8 years ago

Enjoy The Cyclotron – A Self-Driving Bike

So many companies are now looking for new ways to ditch the driver and give you a nice relaxing drive…

8 years ago

Wikiverse Shows What The Universe of Wikipedia Looks Like

Wikipedia is often regarded as the pinnacle of all human knowledge, with people creating and updating articles all over the…

8 years ago

Facial Recognition Tricked by 3D Facebook Model

When it comes to security, we are constantly reminded that passwords are weak in terms of their strength to protect…

8 years ago

Facebook Is Creating Its Own Gaming Platform For PC

After buying up the hugely popular game Farmville and the company behind the VR revolution's Oculus Rift, you would think…

8 years ago

Meet The Robot Caterpillar

When you think of robots you often see the skeletons from terminator, the giant metal figures of Robocop or even…

8 years ago

Google Ending Support for Chrome Apps

When it comes to your browser, the added experience that comes from add-ons and apps. If you're like me and…

8 years ago

Twitter Shut Down Thousands of Accounts Linked to Terrorism

When it comes to online accounts, they can be used for a lot of things. From buying your favourite DVD…

8 years ago

Uber Teams Up With Volvo to Give Driver Free Rides

Driverless cars are all the hit. The ability to get into your car and tell it that you want to…

8 years ago

Tesla Model S Burns to the Ground on Test Drive!

You know how they always say try before you buy? Sounds like a good decision on the best of days…

8 years ago

Elite Dangerous to Offer Aliens and Multi-Ship Piloting

When it comes to games, space is offering everyone the chance to fly from planet to planet to fighting giant…

8 years ago

Intel Thinks USB Type-C Will Help Replace Headphones Jacks

People aren't too happy when it comes to change. Proven by the fact that people aren't too keen when Apple…

8 years ago

HP’s Omen X Isn’t Just About Style

When it comes to PC's, you can build or buy ones that fit many styles. From the classic design of…

8 years ago

Bioshock Remastered Looks as Good as it Sounds

A city under water, a city in the air, Bioshock took us back to the past and added in technology…

8 years ago

Audit Reveals CalGang Database Contains Babies!?

We've all heard of the big government databases, tracking everything from our search history to the latest episode of Game…

8 years ago