Gareth Andrews

Check Out The Raspberry Pi Powered “GameBoy Zero”

Who remembers when the original Game Boy was released? Released by Nintendo back in 1996, the Game Boy was the…

8 years ago

Self-Driving Trucks Hit The Roads In Europe

When it comes to vehicles, there are two new technologies that people are looking forward to. First off there are…

8 years ago

Taco Bell is Looking at a Chat Bot to Take Your Orders

During those late nights when you just feel like a quick bite to eat and your favourite show before hitting…

8 years ago

The FBI Have Started Briefing People About How They Broke Into The iPhone

After the recent court battle people, the FBI have been rather quiet regarding how they managed to get into an…

8 years ago

Cyber Warfare Could Become A Specialist Combat Unit In The US

The saying goes that "to be prepared is half the victory", this is never more the case in the modern…

8 years ago

Paypal Cancelled Hiring Hundreds of Staff in North Carolina Over New Law

When you vote in a new law, you should be careful just how much it will impact people. PayPal is…

8 years ago

Apple Could Be Fined Millions for Strict iPhone Marketing Contract

Did you ever look at a phone provider catalogue and think, where have I seen that advert before? If the…

8 years ago

Ikea Now Has a VR Showroom

Sometimes you don't want to pop out, but you know you need to go grab that something. A sandwich, some…

8 years ago

God of War Concept Art Reveals Norse Mythology

The God of War franchise has to be one of Sony's biggest exclusives, with the protagonist Kratos battling monsters and…

8 years ago

DOTA 2 Could Be Getting a VR Spectating Mode

When it comes to eSports, being able to watch the techniques and strategies used by teams as they compete can…

8 years ago

Congressman Investigated for Spending Campaign Money on Steam Games

We all love a new game, but it does raise questions when the money you spend on is marked to…

8 years ago

Amazon Payments Global Partner Program to Take on Paypal

Amazon is a popular platform for many things, with their websites offering everything from the kindle to mass ordering your…

8 years ago

Apple Will Start Phasing Out Plastic Bags This Month

Buying an Apple product is almost as symbolic as the illuminated apple located on the back of your device, with…

8 years ago

TSA Spent $47,000 on a Random Lane Picker

Governments and companies often contract out work to help create app's and software to make systems. The problem is that…

8 years ago

GTA V Redux Will Turn Your World Into a 4K Fireball

These days, when a company releases a game there tends to be two sets of development going on. Internally the…

8 years ago