Bag of ‘Kanye’ Tour Air Sells for $60k on eBay
Ahhh eBay, that wondrous place where you can sell your unwanted possessions and make money. Well yesterday saw the auction end for a bag of air taken from a Kanye West show. Was about time all his hot air was used for something useful.
The budding entrepreneur ‘Stangeedon1’ was the first major lister of this baggie of air, now at least a dozen more have followed suit, hoping to cash in on the internets stupidity.
Where there’s Kanye, Kim isn’t far behind, promoting her husband’s ability to market nothing.
Now this isn’t the first time the internet has gone bonkers over something celebrity related; remember that apple that Britney Spears took a bite out of all those years ago? Yeah me neither. I wonder how long before cans of the stuff turn up?
Thank you Mashable for providing us with this information.