Be Aware – There’s A New Netflix Phishing Scam!
Mike Sanders / 4 years ago
While the internet remains, generally speaking, quite a fun place to explore, it should never be forgotten that there are dedicated groups of people out there (scammers) who have one sole purpose. Namely, stealing as much personal information from you as possible. One such scam is known as phishing where, through presenting what appears to be an entirely legitimate website, they attempt to get you to freely reveal important details such as your log-in details.
Well, for Netflix users, you might want to pay attention as in a report via TechSpot, a new phishing scam has appeared that, based on prior examples, has another level of sophistication that might end up tricking you!
Netflix Phishing Scam
The scam itself is, on the whole, fairly straight forward. It presents what appears to be Netflix’s log-in page and, as you might expect, entering literally anything in the username and passport section will successfully move you onto the next step. This is, after all, how phishing works. As a matter of note, however, the next step then asks you to update your bank account details. So yeah, you can see why this is a problem!
So, what’s so particularly unusual here with this new one? Well, prior to the log-in screen, this new scam initially presents you with a CAPTCHA test. For example, selecting all the images that contain traffic lights or a pedestrian crossing. The main concern is that with this test in place, given that it is so common these days, people may mistakenly think the website is legitimate.
Warning Signs!
One of the biggest indications of whether the website is legitimate or not can be found directly in the address bar. As you can see in the example above, while it does appear to genuinely be Netflix, the domain name within the address bar should have you hitting that ‘close’ button as quickly as you can. Put simply, if it doesn’t start with ‘’ it’s almost certainly a fake!
This is, however, exactly how phishing works and, as such, it’s very important to be aware, and beware!
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