Bethesda Considering Games for Nintendo NX
While us plebs are still none the wiser as to what the Nintendo NX actually is, many in the games industry have been in conversation with the Japanese company for some time. One of those developers is Bethesda, creator of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, which has revealed that it regularly talks to Nintendo “about what they’re up to” and is considering potential game releases for the NX.
Pete Hines, Vice President of PR and Marketing at Bethesda, spoke to Metro GameCentral about the potential of producing games for the NX. Hines admitted that any NX development depends on the power of the hardware, and that the console would have to be comparable to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 for the company to seriously consider releasing games for it.
“[I]t’s usually been one of a technical… hardware issue. It’s just, what it is that the devs are making and what are the hardware requirements that they’re looking at, to support what they’re making? And what fits?” Hines said. “And anything that is below the line is, ‘Well, we can make it work, but we’d have to cut this or that or do it like…’ But no, that’s not the point. The point is to take the game, as you designed it, and to get it working on those platforms. Not make a bunch of cuts and a bunch of changes and bring out some other version of it.”
Given that reports suggest that the NX will be significantly less powerful than the PS4, it seems that any hope of Bethesda titles hitting the console are slim. But, rumours aside, we still have no idea what the NX actually is. Maybe we’ll be surprised.