Bioware Hiring People to Redesign Anthem Loot System

Anthem Loot System
When Anthemwas released last February, it was initially exceptionally well received by both fans and critics. Since then, however, interest in the game has dulled quite significantly. This is, in no small part, due to the somewhat controversial manner in which the game dishes out its look.
It seems, however, that developer Biowaremay have finally given up the pretence of being able to fix it themselves. This, despite a patch released a month ago improving the drop percentage rate of higher-tier loot.
Following a Reddit post, however, some eagle-eyed members of the community have noted that Bioware is currently hiring for people to specifically re-design the loot box system.

Job Listing
One of the official job listings states:
BioWare is looking for an creative and passionate Senior Systems Designer with experience in Loot Systems to join our studio in either Austin or Edmonton to work on our newest IP Anthem. Building a truly great server side loot system, that is scalable, has modern concepts like streak-breaking, and easily modifiable data formats. A great loot system ensures that the players have predictable experiences that can be measured with data.
What Do We Think?
Well, the good news is that it seems that with the job posting both EA and Bioware are quite committed to making this game work for the players. An association usually no where near an EA release.
The downside, however, is that with this news, any hope for a ‘quick fix’ to the problem seems a long way away.
Still… at least something is being done about it!
What do you think? Do you play Anthem? – Let us know in the comments!