BitFenix Recon Fan Controller Review
Today we are taking a look at the Recon Fan Controller from BitFenix, a stylish LCD touch screen fan controller aimed at the modding and enthusiast market, but of course a product that not our of reach of anyone who wants to add a touch of style and cooling performance to their system.
The Recon is a popular device, a firm favourite with case modders and the modding community as a whole, not only because of the functions it offers but also because of how it looks, so today we want to take a look at what all the fuss is about and see what it is people love about this fan controller so much.
BitFenix are well known for their trendy cooling solutions, their Spectre fans are a great premium solution for many case modders as is their less feature heavy but very functional Hydra fan controller.
Today we will be fitting the Recon Fan Controller into our Bitfenix Prodigy chassis, a chassis that is currently showing to be a popular home for the Recon, given the chassis its self is quite small (although big for a M-ITX chassis) which makes cooling performance all that more critical for any mid-high performance system, so come and take a look at the next few pages where we will take a look at just what you get for you money with the Recon, its features and general performance.