Bloodborne Day One and Second Update Detailed
It looks like Bloodborne players will have to ready their internet connections for a day one patch on its launch date, on March 24th. The patch is set to weigh in at 2.7GB and is required for players who pre-ordered the title on PSN or for those buying the title digitally or physically in-stores; the patch is said to already be available for players who pre-ordered the game.
The 1.01 patch is said to bring some big features like the Chalice Dragon, as well as enable online play and add an option to either display the PSN name or character name in matches. Another thing to point out is that players will have their gaming performance improved with the update.
“The development team is currently exploring another patch for Bloodborne, seeking ways to improve load time duration, in addition to other performance optimizations and miscellaneous bug fixes.”
According to their statement above, From Software is looking into a second patch which will address some loading time issues. A release date for the second patch has not been revealed, but the developers state it will “roll out soon”.
Thank you NextPowerUp for providing us with this information