Brace Yourselves! – We May Have Confirmed 3090 Ti Retail Prices!

Following Nvidia officially confirming the upcoming release of their 3090 Ti earlier this month, one of the biggest question marks surrounding the GPU (other than the concerning rumours as to why they have supposedly chosen to delay it) has been in regards to exactly how expensive this graphics card was going to be. I mean, we all, of course, know it’s not going to be cheap. We already have the existing 3090 to give us a pretty solid indication of that. How much more expensive was the 3090 Ti going to be though?…
Well, following a report via Videocardz, we might have our answer. And while it doesn’t seem to be quite as ludicrous as some sources previously indicated, the bottom line is that this does still appear to be an amazingly costly graphics solution!

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Ti
Based on a number of custom AIB 3090 Ti graphics cards being spotted on retailer websites (from both MSI and Zotac) it would appear that the GPU is going to hit the market for something in the region of £3,199. – Now this isn’t, of course, reflective of the Founders Edition model which will undoubtedly be less expensive. By and large, however, it does appear that if you have been considering the upcoming purchase of a 3090 Ti, you’re going to need, roughly speaking, a minimum of around £3,000.
Put simply, it would appear that the 3090 Ti is going to cost, roughly, 60% (or possibly up to twice as much) as the standard 3090!

What Do We Think?
It should, of course, be noted that the 3090 Ti is not being targeted as a gaming-specific graphics card. Similar to the 3090, this is really going to be more focused on a combination of work with play benefits. More so, as noted above, nobody expected the 3090 Ti to be anything approaching what the vast majority of us would consider affordable. This is an elite graphics card, and based on the apparent price tag, one that has clearly been angled very much at the elite level user.
So, yeah, presuming these prices are accurate, I’ll be giving this GPU a miss. The upcoming revised 3070 Ti, however… Now that has my attention!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!