Bubble Bobble Sequel is Announced for Nintendo Switch

There are few gaming classics more beloved than Bubble Bobble. Despite its relatively simple concept, the game was amazing fun to play. It was bright, colourful, had amazing music, and got even better if you had a friend to play it with.
It has, however, been rather a long time now since it launched and, surprisingly, there has been very little news from the franchise in recent years. That is, until now.
Following the release of a trailer, Taito has confirmed that a brand new Bubble Bobble game is in development and will release on the Nintendo Switch.
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends Announced for Nintendo Switch
Firstly, and forgive the somewhat cynical tone, but I’m more than delighted (and perhaps surprised) to see that this is getting a console release. I fully expected to see ‘Android’ and ‘IOS’ appear in the trailer. So the fact that it’s not at least is some great news!
So what do we know about the game? Well, based on the trailer it would appear to be essentially recreating the look and style of the original game. All while giving it a 2.5D graphical style update. A huge focus is clearly on the multiplayer aspect which should, in theory, be absolutely awesome!

When Is It Out?
Well, surprisingly, and in a rare turn of events, Europe is going to get this game a lot sooner than America. A European release date of November 19th has been set while North America, at the time of writing, has an undisclosed ‘Q1 2020’.
I am, however, more than delighted that Bubble Bobble is getting a modern release. I guarantee you, I’ll be getting this for my Nintendo Switch!
What do you think? Did you ever play the original Bubble Bobble? If so, how far could you get in the game? – Let us know in the comments!