California Pot Smokers to Get Their Bitcoin-Paid-For Gear Delivered by Drone
New startup Trees will deliver marijuana, bought using Bitcoin, to Californian potheads via drone. San Francisco-based Trees allows cannabis smokers to order boxes of weed online, using either a computer or a smartphone, and have it delivered to them the same day.
Trees offers three boxes: the Bud Box, which contains the more exotic varieties, the Extract Box, stuffed full of hash, and the beginner box, for those novices who want to know what all the fuss is about. Other items on offer include cigarette papers, filter tips (which must be some kind of initiation test, or something), and a grinder.
To be eligible to order, though, potential smokers must have a California medical marijuana license. But eligibility will be rendered irrelevant if Trees isn’t granted approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to fly its drones, with its application still being assessed.
“We’re not sure when we’ll be launching yet,” a spokesperson for Trees said. “We are based in San Francisco and the legal situation here is not clear yet.”
It remains to be seen whether Trees will have its flight application approved, since Amazon has been struggling for months to have its Amazon Prime Air drone delivery initiative given the thumbs-up by the FCC.
Thank you The Independent for providing us with this information.