Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Release date set
The release date has been confirmed! November 8th 2011. It is no longer Infinity Ward working on this one though, Sledgehammer games are going to be working along side Raven Soft with this title. Newcomers Sledgehammer will be developing the single player campaign and Raven Soft (known for Quake 4) will be developing the online multiplayer.
The trailer was shown during the NBA Western Conference finals a few nights ago and soon after, Activision released the trailer to the web. The trailer sounds a lot like a Modern Warfare 2 advert, although it is a continuation of the story from MW 2, so that was to be expected in a way. As those of you who have seen the trailer know, the story takes place in several locations around the globe. These locations include Paris, London and New York city, just to name a few.
There was speculation that a PC version of the game would not exist but it has been confirmed that a PC version will be released. This game has been in development for a while now, just two weeks after MW 2 was released, development began on MW 3.
The big question is, can Activison, Sledgehammer and Raven Soft beat what Battlefield 3 is bringing to the table?
If you have not already seen the trailer, we thought we’d include it here for you:
Nice bit of news! Thanks for including the trailer!
Good post, but not for me at all. Sadly the series peaked in 2007, and has just been rehashed for the masses since. Still using practically the same graphics engine, and people seem to like it because of it's simple quick gameplay, so why do they now seem to want to include destruction, and a few vehicles?This was the main reason people chose CoD over BF, and I really think since Activision let the old IW team go, they've lost their best chance at beating BF imo.Good for those who enjoy the CoD games, but I definitely won't be buying 😛
No offence but this game is just for consoles :@ Money money money
Well I wont be buying it :p
Just reading this cracks me up – MW3 Deemed Ultra-Violent Based on London Clip
I couldn't agree more!I hope bf3 ratings just stomp this game, then people can actually see what a proper TEAM FPS is like!The COD franchise is just a quick and easy pay check for activision these days and nothing more!
My mate thinks Infinity Wards are producing this game! He's also adamant they won't charge monthly for extra content. He also says this is better than BF3. H said the graphics are better than BF3. What the hell is wrong with his head, he seems to think COD is the best its not! It's terrible! Why bother buying that, have you guys seen the Thunder Run trailer for BF3! If you havent here you go : YouTube – Battlefield 3 E3 2011 Thunder Run Gameplay Trailer (HD)Enjoy!