You Can Now Pre-Order der8auer’s Delid-Die-Mate at Overclockers UK
Anyone who ever thought of delidding their CPUs got excited when we first heard of der8auer’s delid-die-mate about a week ago and back then we heard that it would launch at Caseking. With a launch at Caseking it was just a matter of time before we got the official confirmation that it also would come to the Brits via Overclockers UK, after all, it’s one company. That has now happened and Overclockers UK have officially listed the Delid-Die-Mate available for pre-orders.
De-lidding is the process of removing the Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) of the CPU in order to replace the original thermal interface material with something better. The default TIM is far from the best and especially hard-core overclockers will be able to push their processors further with less thermal restrictions. Up until now that process has been tricky and dangerous as it requires manually cutting the glue away holding the parts together, a process that only needed a single slip to destroy the CPU.
The Delid-Die-Mate solves this problem and offers a much safer delid process. The tool is two precision milled blocks that clamp together around the CPU with even force distribution that locks the CPU in place safely. By turning the screw on the back of the device, the lid of the CPU is pushed steadily away from the PCB with no risk of damage to your
expensive performance CPU.
The Delid-Die-Mate is compatible with Skylake, Ivy Bridge, Haswell, Devils Canyon, and Broadwell processors, and it can as previously mentioned be pre-ordered now for £62.99 at Overclockers UK. der8auer also created a Haswell OC frame, a CPU-mounting frame developed for the stronger overclocking delidded Intel Haswell, Devil’s canyon and Broadwell CPUs on socket 115x motherboards, but that will set you back another £27.95.