Canonical’s Founder Appeals To Potential Backers As Ubuntu Edge Struggles
Ryan Martin / 11 years ago
Canonical’s founder, Mark Shuttleworth, has posted a personal update letter on the IndieGoGo campaign page appealing to potential backers to contribute to the scheme. Canonical started out with a mammoth expectation of raising $32 million but with 8 days left of the 1 month project, Canonical have raised only about $10 million of the $32 million total.
“In just over three weeks more than 20,000 people have backed the project, from individuals giving a single dollar right up to Bloomberg’s fantastic $80,000 contribution. Along the way we’ve broken crowdfunding records, including the fastest project to hit $2 million (7hrs 59mins), and the highest ever 24-hour total ($3.45 million). We’re now on the verge of an even bigger milestone as we approach the all-time crowdfunding record of $10.27 million.”
Despite the extreme likelihood that Canonical will fail to reach the $32 million target Canonical’s Mark Shuttleworth says that the signal has already been sent out to the mobile industry to show them that there is demand for an Ubuntu smartphone.
“Whatever happens in the next nine days, the Ubuntu Edge is already making a difference. This campaign lets enthusiast consumers signal their interest to a mobile industry that caters overwhelmingly to the mainstream. It’s making it clear that we’re no longer satisfied with minor updates; we’re looking for true innovation and we’re ready to pay for it. And that message is getting through.”
You can keep track of the Ubuntu Edge project here. As of writing the project had $9,954,891 of the total $32,000,000 needed.
Image courtesy of Canonical