CAPCOM Unveils Zeku–Next SFV DLC Character via New Trailer
CAPCOM has unveiled the next character which will join the Street Fighter V roster via a new trailer. Ninja Grand Master Zeku of the Bushinryu Ninjitsu clan is familiar to hardcore Street Fighter and Final Fight fans, however it is his first playable appearance in the series. He will be the final fighter of the second DLC season, whereas previously he was only just a background character in Street Fighter Alpha 2.
Zeku Character Features
Zeku is very different from previous ninja characters in the series. Although he shares some similarities with some. In particular, his pupil Guy from the Final Fight series and one more CAPCOM character named Strider Hiryu. Zeku wears a slightly different clothing than what he wore in Street Fighter Alpha 2 which was similar to Guy’s. His new costume wears the same green color as a vest, but underneath is blue.
Master Zeku has an alternate form resembling the futuristic ninja character Hiryu, wearing the same colors and face covering. He even transforms his hair color to match Hiryu’s. CAPCOM did not elaborate on what this means yet, if master Zeku and Strider Hiryu are one and the same. However, some fans speculate that Strider is a title passed along. We all just have to wait and see. Check out his reveal trailer in the video below.
Aside from new characters, Street Fighter V is also finally going to get an Arcade mode soon, a feature much requested by fans.
CAPCOM SFV Zeku Reveal Trailer