Capcom USA CEO Declares “Capcom Is Back!”

Capcom Is Back!
At the time of writing, many AAA-game developers are genuinely having rather a hard time of it. Between companies such as Blizzard, Activision, Square Enix and EA, many have seen sales fall far below expectations with at least two of those now currently undergoing ‘belt-tightening’ proceedures to balance the books.
Following a Twitter post, however, Capcom is currently coasting the wave of successive (and successful) game releases. As such, the American CEO
Kiichiro Urata has declared ‘Capcom is Back’.
Just a word to the wise, if you do play the Twitter video below, manually pause it. You don’t want this to loop… YEAH!!!
A message from Capcom USA CEO Urata-san:
— Matt Walker (@gypsyOtoko) March 6, 2019
Successful Releases!
Since October last year, Capcom has seen 3 major releases and all of which have proven to be huge successes. Monster Hunter World has so far proven to be the companies highest selling game. The Resident Evil 2 remake has proven to be massively popular. Finally, Devil May Cry 5, released last week is currently doing well with both in early sales and the critics.
In other words, after a bit of a shaky period, Capcom is very firmly back on top at the moment.
After a number of relatively low-key or outright flop releases over the last 2-3 years, such success was clearly needed. At the very least, if you are a fan of the developer, then the good news is that, for the moment, everything is coming up roses!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!