Capcom Wants Your Feedback on Resident Evil 3

So, it’s been 2 weeks to the day that the Resident Evil 3 Remake came out and presuming you bought it on release day, you’ve probably already completed it at least once. If you did, however, want an opportunity to give your feedback, now is the time.
With the launch of an online survey via their Twitter account, Capcom wants to know what you thought about the game! While it might sound benign, it could be vitally important for their future Resident Evil development!
We want to hear your thoughts and feedback on Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil Resistance!
— Resident Evil (@RE_Games) April 15, 2020
Please take a few minutes of your time to fill out this form:
Resident Evil 3
It is our understanding that the survey may be coming to an end soon. So if you did want to give them your feedback, you need to act quickly. If you do miss-out, however, I suppose you could always reply to the post. It could be vitally important as Capcom has confirmed that they will be listening to it as a direct influence on their future Resident Evil releases.
What Did We Think?
The Resident Evil 3 Remake was largely excellent, but it did definitely have some problems. Chief among them was the fact that the game is remarkably short. I’m a bit of a coward when it comes to scary games, but even I managed to complete it in less than 4 hours. As for the ‘Resistance’ multiplayer game (that came bundled free with it) that’s a lot easier to summarise. It was crap!
Still, if you want Capcom to know what you thought, now is the time to act!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!