
Fallout 4 Fans Might Not See Gameplay Footage at E3

There is still a long wait ahead for the Fallout 4 title to come out, but fans are eagerly awaiting…

10 years ago

First Look at the New DOOM Game, All 3 Seconds of it.

Gamers of a certain generation will have fond memories of the original DOOM game. It introduced another reason to have…

10 years ago

Valve Removes Payment Feature From Skyrim Workshop Again

Well, that didn't last long. Just a couple of days after Valve introduced a new feature that allowed modders to…

10 years ago

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Launched

Bethesda has launched an online MMO of its Elder Scrolls title last year, but it did not receive the attention…

10 years ago

Elder Scrolls Online Now Free-to-Play

As of 17th March, MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online no longer requires a monthly subscription to play. As Bethesda had…

10 years ago

Fallout 4 to Be Released for Current-Gen Only, Possible Reveal at E3

There have been some talks about Bethesda's latest title, Fallout 4, but so far nothing certain. However, a few insiders…

10 years ago

The Evil Within’s First DLC ‘The Assignment’ Will Haunt You Early 2015

Bethesda has announced the first DLC pack to The Evil Within, which will launch early next year. "The Assignment" is…

10 years ago

Skyrim Finished in Under 40 Minutes, Setting a New World Record

Speedrunner DrTChops has finished creating himself a new world record for beating Skyrim's story, taking just 39:32. There's a lot…

10 years ago

Check Out These Incredible Skyrim Character Mods

The Elder Scrolls series draws in modders like no other game, the development community is still working hard on pushing…

10 years ago

This Is What Skyrim Looks Like With Just One Mod [video]

This Skyrim Mod has actually been out for a couple of months now, but there are literally tens of thousands…

10 years ago

PC Gamers Boo Xbox Live Off Stage At Quake Con

Microsoft got their asses handed to them last night, trying to test the patience of the often brand loyal PC…

10 years ago

Bethesda Will Not Be Bringing Fallout 4 To Gamescom

The Fallout series of post-apocalyptic RPG games by Bethesda  has a huge following on all gaming platforms. Ever since the…

10 years ago

New Standalone Client Available For Quake Live

Bethesda announced on their blog this Friday that the Free-to-Play variant of Quake 3 Arena now has a new standalone…

11 years ago

Leaked Documents Reveal That Fallout 4 Is Real

  For all those upset about the Fallout 4 hoax, we have some good news. According to information attained by…

11 years ago

Elder Scrolls Online Arrives April 4 2014 For PC

The Elder Scrolls Online is Bethesda's latest addition to the Elder Scroll Franchise. The Franchise is made up of a…

11 years ago