Google Received 12000 “Forget” Requests On The First Day Of The Service

A recent change in EU law meant Google was forced to examine and process requests from European citizens who want to…

10 years ago

European Parliament Votes To Scrap Roaming Fees In EU

Here in Europe we are struck with high mobile phone call charges, extortionate data rates and more while roaming. With…

10 years ago

68% of Europeans Stream Films For Free, Legal Choices Expensive And Narrow

A study published by the European Commission investigating the film downloading habits of European citizens has revealed some interesting results.…

11 years ago

Germany and France Looking To Create NSA-Free European Communications Networks

According to the German Chancellor's weekly podcast she will be working with France to develop a European Communications Network that bypasses…

11 years ago

Google Refuses To Pay French Privacy Fine, Has To Admit Guilt On Google France

Google recently lost a legal dispute in France for failing to tell French citizens exactly what happens to the personal…

11 years ago

New EU Law Calls For Mobile Phone Chargers To Be Standardised

An agreement between MEPs and the Council of the European Union have agreed that mobile phone manufacturers will be obliged…

11 years ago

European Parliament Exploring The Decriminalisation Of Individual File Sharing

TorrentFreak reports that several members of the European Parliament have started a coordinated platform to urge the European Commission to…

11 years ago

American Network Carrier AT&T Considering European Expansion

The Wall Street Journal reports that the American network carrier AT&T is seeking to expand into Europe in the near…

11 years ago

Group Of ISPs Contest Legality Of EU Pirate Bay Ban

TorrentFreak reports that a group of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the Netherlands are taking the decision to block the…

11 years ago

Microsoft Moves Cloud Hosting To EU For New Office 365 Member

Microsoft has just teamed up with the corporation Capita to offer them the Office 365 service according to the Channel.…

11 years ago

Germany Terminates Surveillance Deal With USA Over NSA Spying Scandal

The German Foreign Office has taken a rather dramatic political move and terminated a surveillance pact that it had signed…

11 years ago

71% Of European Wireless Internet Traffic Is Done Via WiFi

Despite the coverage of 3G and 4G becoming more important and discussed in Europe apparently WiFi still dominates Wireless Internet…

11 years ago

Spain Offers Apology For Bolivia/Snowden Flight Blocking Incident

It has now been about two weeks since the Bolivian jet incident occurred. To cut a long story short, Spain,…

11 years ago

The EU Raids Several ISPs Over Throttling Of Services Like YouTube

The European Commission (EC) is investigating whether several large European ISPs are abusing their position by unfairly throttling access to…

11 years ago

Latin American Nations Withdraw Ambassadors From Europe After Jet Incident

Russia Today reports that the backlash against Europe after the Bolivian Jet incident is now growing in Latin America. After…

11 years ago