
Survey Finds Adults Check their Smartphones 352 times a Day!

I absolutely detest smartphones. - Not because I have anything against the technology per se. It's more from the viewpoint…

3 years ago

First NHS Funded Gaming Addition Centre To Open In The UK

UK's First NHS Funded Gaming Treatment Center To Open A little over a week ago, the World Health Organisation (WHO)…

6 years ago

Gaming Addiction Formally Recognised As A ‘Disorder’ By WHO

World Health Organisation Recognises Gaming Addiction How addicted are you to your gaming? In this context, the word 'addicted' might,…

7 years ago

WHO Proposes ‘Gaming Disorder’ as Part of Addiction Diagnosis

The latest draft of the World Health Organization's 2018 international classification of diseases is now available online. Considering the diagnostic…

7 years ago

13 Year Olds Being Treated for “Mobile Phone Addiction”

Children as young as 13 years old are being checked into clinics to help them deal with their mobile phone…

8 years ago

Algeria Opens First Internet Addiction Clinic

Psychologist have opened the first clinic to treat internet addiction in Constantine, Algeria. The Bachir Mentouri clinic specialises in treating…

8 years ago

Russian Gamer to Sue Bethesda For Fallout 4 Addiction

Video games like any entertainment medium can be addictive especially if the individual in question has an obsessive personality. Usually,…

9 years ago

Kickstarter Launched to “Help” People With Phone Addiction

The NoPhone Zero is definitely one of the most bizarre Kickstarter campaigns I've ever seen which replaces your smartphone with…

9 years ago

Rehab Clinics say our Smartphone Dependencies Fuel Other Addictions

Morningside Recovery rehab clinic's executive director (Joel Edwards) has recently made some comments claiming mobile phone addiction is making some…

10 years ago

Heavy Use of Twitter, Facebook Can Damage Your Relationship

Obsessive use of social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook can negatively impact your relationship, according to a recent…

10 years ago