Best Buy

FBI Pays Geek Squad to Report on Customers’ Computers

The FBI has reportedly been paying members of Best Buy’s Geek Squad – effectively a tech support service – to…

8 years ago

Oculus Rift Retail Units to Arrive Before Pre-Orders Complete

As with any popular product launch, supply shortages are nearly inevitable. Even Apple with their well-managed supply chain sometimes slips…

9 years ago

XFX AMD 390X Unboxing Appears on Youtube

While most of the attention is focused on AMD's upcoming Fury flagship, the regular Rx 300 series also set to…

10 years ago

Philips Unveils The Hue Go Wireless Light

Hot on the tails of the Hue programmable RGB LED lights by Philips the company has now pulled the veils…

10 years ago

Google Says Glass Won’t Be Coming To Market At $299

Google's Glass will not be coming to Best Buy in 2014 at a price of $299 like currently circulated rumours…

11 years ago