
Video – Tesla Owner Implants the ‘Key’ Chip into their Arm

It pretty much goes without saying that there are few people out there who wouldn't want to own a Tesla.…

5 years ago

Monolith’s Horror FPS Classic ‘Blood’ is Getting Remastered

There Will be Blood (Once More) There has been some hankering for late 90's PC game nostalgia recently. THQ Nordic…

6 years ago

Edison’s Blood Tests May Not Be As Accurate As First Reported

When it comes to tests, they normally come at a cost. Not just when it comes to the money but…

9 years ago

The Key to Making Human Organs? Cotton Candy!

Technology and science help people do amazing things. From letting people walk again to letting dogs enjoy a game of fetch with their…

9 years ago

Injectable Sponges Approved For Public Use

Two years ago we reported on the injectable sponge, a concept that was designed to help save lives on the battlefield.…

9 years ago

Quantum Entanglement Is Real And At Room Temperature

Quantum Entanglement may sound like a term straight out of a science-fiction film, but it is real. Quantum entanglement is…

9 years ago

Scientists Find a Way to Reveal Your Viral Past With Just a Drop of Blood

During our lifetime, we get exposed to dozens of viruses, but luckily our bodies are well equipped to deal with…

10 years ago

New Car Hopes To Stop Drink Driving

It's the weekend and you've gone for a small drink with your friends. Suddenly one turns into two, and two…

10 years ago

New Disposable Tech Can Draw Blood Without Needles

A new startup, sponsored by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has developed a new piece of medical…

10 years ago

HIV Can Now Be Detected in Just 15 Minutes – With A Smartphone!

Researchers from Columbia University have apparently created a $34 plastic smartphone STD scanner which would "accurately" identify HIV and syphilis…

10 years ago

Indiegogo Project Aims to Detect and Cure Malaria in Indonesia Using an iPhone Kit

A project found on Indiegogo, the crowd-funding website for startup projects, states that malaria can be found and cured in…

10 years ago

Scientists Work Out How To 3D Print Vascular Networks

3D Printing has come a long way, from objects to food and now even human skin and meat. One of…

10 years ago