
There’s a New Botnet out There That Dwarfs Mirai

This botnet is even more dangerous than Mirai. We already know just how dangerous botnets can be. In 2016, Mirai was…

7 years ago

Lynksys Routers Feature Massive Security Flaw

Security researchers have found that a number of Linksys Smart Wi-Fi routers contain vulnerabilities that could be exploited to form…

8 years ago

Mirai Botnet Launches Fresh 54-Hour DDoS Attack

A new variant of the Mirai botnet has launched a fresh distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that lasted over…

8 years ago

Mirai Worm Author Anna-Sempai Unmasked

The Mirai botnet, which takes control of unsecured IoT devices to launch massive DDoS attacks, wreaked havoc last year after…

8 years ago

Mirai Botnet Takes Down One Million German Routers

Mirai — the worm responsible for infecting tens of millions of IoT devices which were used as a botnet to DDoS…

8 years ago

Internet Society Attacks State of Global Online Security

International non-profit the Internet Society (ISOC) has taken a long look at global online security, and it does not like…

8 years ago

Angry Gamer Triggered Second Biggest DDoS of 2016

Last month, managed DNS infrastructure provider Dyn was hit by a massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, taking out…

8 years ago

Record-Breaking DDoS Was Delivered By 145k Hacked Cameras

DDoS attacks are nothing new, they're going on all the time around the web, taking down websites, companies, stores, you…

8 years ago

Lizard Squad Using CCTV Cameras to DDoS People

Lizard Squad were made famous when they claimed responsibility for the outage of both Playstation's and Xbox's multiplayer over the Christmas…

8 years ago

BotNet of CCTV Cameras Discovered

When it comes to using computers, a lot of us feel out of depth when warnings and unwanted pop-ups create…

8 years ago

Global Bot Network ‘Dorkbot’ Busted and Taken Down

There are two well-known groups that both use the name Dorkbot, one being a great group of organizations that sponsor…

9 years ago

Numerous Security Cameras Have Been Turned into a Botnet by Malware

It's not exactly news that security cameras can be hacked, but turning a bunch of them into a botnet using…

9 years ago

Wifatch: The Vigilante Malware

Malware. That one word which seems to inspire fear and dread in everybody who hears it, even more so when…

9 years ago

Hola CEO Responds to Botnet Controversy

Hola, the peer-to-peer (P2P) VPN provider, was recently accused of allowing its customers’ network to be used to form botnets…

10 years ago

Anonymous Accused of Running Botnet With Thousands of Hacked Home Routers

Haven’t yet changed your router username and password from “admin/admin”? If so, then your router could be part of a…

10 years ago