
Batman Arkham Knight Didn’t Get a Smooth Launch Either

Batman Arkham Knight has been anything else but smooth sailing for Warner Interactive and Rocksteady. The game was postponed, the…

10 years ago

GTA V PC Price Drops to Under £30 for Digital Download

So Grand Theft Auto V has been out for over a week now and prices have seemed to stand around…

10 years ago

NASA Wants to Cut Fuel Emmisions with Bug Repellant Coating

I wouldn't have thought of bugs when thinking of how to improve commercial airplane travel, but then again I don't…

10 years ago

EA Promises To Learn From Battlefield 4 Mistakes, Or So It Says…

The first weeks after EA launched the latest widely known massive multiplayer shooter title, Battlefield 4, it was impossible not…

11 years ago

AMD Releases The Catalyst 13.12 WHQL-certified Graphics Card Driver

We finally see AMD releasing the Catalyst 13.12 after months on end of 13.11 and 13.11 beta drivers. The release…

11 years ago

Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android

We have recently bought you the news on Google's Android 4.3 Privacy Feature and how it was a must for…

11 years ago