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Nintendo Launching Labo Vehicle Kit on September 14
Versatile Nintendo Labo Kit for Vehicles Nintendo has announced a new Vehicle Kit for their Nintendo Labo. The flat-pack add-on includes a steering wheel, flight stick, sub-control as well as Toy-Con key which activate different vehicles. Users can create three new Toy-Con projects, including car, plane and submarine. The inclusion of…
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Google Cardboard Can Now Be Brought In the Google Store
Google cardboard is a simple, low-tech, virtual reality system. The concept is simple, why buy technology you already have? By using your smartphone, you don’t have to go out and buy expensive hardware a second time around, meaning that the only thing left to do was keep the phone near…
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Google Cardboard Used to help Save a Baby’s Life
It is mostly the Oculus Rift and the Sony’s Playstation VR that take the headlines these days, but that doesn’t mean that simpler tools such as the Google Cardboard can’t be useful. In this case it was extremely useful as it helped to plan an operation virtually first and quite…
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Google Unveils Technical Specifications of Cardboard V2 VR Headset
Google has made the technical specification of its latest cardboard, virtual reality headset publicly available which now supports 6-inch mobile devices. The cardboard headset ecosystem is extremely intriguing due to the low cost, and allows customers to instantly test the latest prototypes without waiting for retail versions to appear. As…
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Carl Zeiss VR One – A Premium Approach to Google Cardboard
The VR hype train is showing no signs of slowing down, with Oculus VR and a few others already working hard to push premium grade VR hardware down to the consumer level. If you want your VR fix right now, you can either settle for Oculus development kit hardware, or…
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