
Microsoft Reportedly in Talks to Acquire Discord

If you have any involvement within a particular online community or game, the chances are that you almost certainly have…

4 years ago

Reddit to Introduce Chat Room Feature!

I had thought that the days of internet chat rooms were long dead. It has, after all, been nearly 10-years…

5 years ago

Chatroom Experiment Charges You A Penny Per Character

Expensive Chat I can't personally remember the last time I visited a chatroom. It was probably back in the days…

6 years ago

Steam Introduces Massive Overhaul to Built-in Chat Client

Keeping Up With Discord Steam has rolling out a massive update, bringing with it a massive overhaul to their built-in…

6 years ago

Easy Collaboration with Synology’s DSM 6.2 Features

Introduction Synology released the latest version of their NAS operating system, Disk Station Manager, at the end of May. Today,…

6 years ago

Google Voice App Receives First Update in Five Years

A new version has rolled out updating the Google Voice app for Android, iOS and web plugin, breaking a five…

8 years ago

Synology Announces Eight Pre-Release Applications for Beta Testing

Synology has started a new beta program and this time it isn't for the DSM operating system itself but rather…

8 years ago

Heroes of the Storm Player Threatens Blizzard with AK-47

When it comes to competitive games, you often feel a bit riled up when playing against other human people and…

8 years ago

Classic Yahoo Messenger to be Terminated This Year

In the day of electronic communications, we've seen our messages change from a telephone call to text on your phone…

9 years ago

Want to Work on League Of Legends? Best Avoid Being Toxic in Chat-logs

When it comes to online games, Riot isn't one to shy away from their problems with toxic behaviour in-game. With…

9 years ago

Police In Canada Used BlackBerry’s Key To Read Encrypted BBM Messages

When it comes to mobile phones Blackberry pride themselves on their security, with many companies taking up the device as…

9 years ago

Facebook Messenger Introduces Dropbox and Video Chat Heads

Facebook Messenger is a system built to help communicate through the popular social network, but the latest features look to…

9 years ago

Taco Bell is Looking at a Chat Bot to Take Your Orders

During those late nights when you just feel like a quick bite to eat and your favourite show before hitting…

9 years ago

ASUS Strix 2.0 Multi-Platform Gaming Headset Review

Introduction It's been almost a year since we put the feature-packed ASUS STRIX DSP Gaming Headset through its paces, and…

9 years ago

VTech Leak Contained Headshots of Kids and Chat Logs

Recently it came to light that VTech had been hacked, potentially revealing thousands of emails and usernames. The hacker has…

9 years ago