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Mastercard to Introduce Biometric Credit Cards
MasterCard have revealed a new credit card with an inbuilt biometric fingerprint reader as an additional security means to tackle credit card fraud. The technology works similar to that used on Smartphones where to issue payment, you must have your finger over the sensor to read your print and confirm payment.…
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Visa’s Payment Ring Will Debut at the Rio Olympics
How we pay for things changes almost as quickly as the technology it uses, with us doing away with metal coins and paper notes for plastic notes and cards. These days you don’t even need to use your card directly, instead being able to tap your card against the payment…
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London Cabs Set To Allow Contact-less Payments By 2017
So there you are, having been busy rushing around London doing your shopping and decide you want to quickly grab a taxi back home, only to find you won’t be able to because you don’t have any cash on your person. It happens and normally the alternative for people these…
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Apple Pay Now Live In The UK
You may have noticed that in the UK contactless payment is becoming a large thing, with many shops now allowing you to use the system to pay for items if their value is under a set amount (normally around £20). This means that in order to pay for your sandwich…
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Surface Charging Move Over – Wireless Charging Now Possible!
Wireless charging is a big selling point for a lot of devices. The ability to just place your phone or laptop down on a pad and charge without having to plug in your cable is an appealing one. The problem with this approach is it’s not truly wireless. After all the…
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