Intel Leadership in Limbo Back in June, Intel CEO Bryan Krzanich stepped down following the revelation of an extramarital affair…
Back in August, Tim Cook released a statement to Apple employees outlining the importance of diversity in the workforce. Shamefully,…
Mozilla's CEO has vowed to fire an employee who was suspected of engaging in a vitriolic tirade on Reddit. The…
After stepping out on the wrong foot during the GamerGate fiasco, Intel is seeking to make amends with their new…
Twitter has made a habit out of painting political hashtags on the walls of its California offices. In the past,…
When Google released their diversity report about a month ago the results were fairly incendiary. Google was accused of sexism,…
Google recently released its first employee diversity report and the overall picture is that of low diversity: Google employees are…
Google Glass had its fair share of ups and downs, with its announcement of features and specs, to getting fined…