
Almost 7 Months Later, Intel Still Hasn’t Found a New CEO

Intel Leadership in Limbo Back in June, Intel CEO Bryan Krzanich stepped down following the revelation of an extramarital affair…

6 years ago

Apple Store Manager Apologizes After Staff Accused of Racism in Shocking Video

Back in August, Tim Cook released a statement to Apple employees outlining the importance of diversity in the workforce. Shamefully,…

9 years ago

Mozilla Set to Fire Employee Responsible for Hate Speech on Reddit

Mozilla's CEO has vowed to fire an employee who was suspected of engaging in a vitriolic tirade on Reddit. The…

9 years ago

Intel Creates Venture Fund for Women and Minorities

After stepping out on the wrong foot during the GamerGate fiasco, Intel is seeking to make amends with their new…

10 years ago

Twitter Paints ‘BlackLivesMatter’ Hashtag on its Office Wall

Twitter has made a habit out of painting political hashtags on the walls of its California offices. In the past,…

10 years ago

Facebook’s Diversity Report Revealed – Predominantly White Males Just Like Google

When Google released their diversity report about a month ago the results were fairly incendiary. Google was accused of sexism,…

10 years ago

Google Reveals Low Employee Diversity: 61% White and 70% Male, Does it Matter?

Google recently released its first employee diversity report and the overall picture is that of low diversity: Google employees are…

11 years ago

Not Satisfied With Google Glass? Try Google Frames On You Own Personal Glasses

Google Glass had its fair share of ups and downs, with its announcement of features and specs, to getting fined…

11 years ago