
Facebook Increases Account Closure Time To 30 Days

Facebook Increases Account Closure Time To 30 Days Facebook has seen more than a few scandals since the start of…

6 years ago

The Strong Museum Acquires Massive Atari Collection

It's been about seven months since we last heard something from the Strong Museum and that was when they announced…

9 years ago

The Intercept Leaks Huge Cache of Documents on the USA Drone Strike Program

Leaks of classified information have been part of the fabric of social interactions and also modern-day communications that includes the…

9 years ago

Millions of T-Mobile Customer Records Stolen In Data Hack

If I had a £1/$1 every time a company was hacked and private details of consumers were leaked to a…

9 years ago

Anonymous Attacks The Canadian Government and Leaks Classified Data

In the real world, the establishment counteracts instances of criminality by an extensive array of resources and a structured organisation.…

9 years ago

White House Responds to Edward Snowdon Petition

Do you remember when 167,000 people signed a petition calling for Edward Snowdon to be pardoned? Not even Pepperidge Farms…

9 years ago

Apple Co-Founder Ron Wayne to Sell Personal Archive

Apple's third and largely unknown co-founder, Ronald Wayne, is planning to sell his personal archive of Apple memorabilia. Wayne's archive…

10 years ago

NSA Revealed to have Collected Docs from Innocent Individuals, not Valid Targets

It appears that a huge report from The Washington Post has uncovered a large number of communications and documents collected…

10 years ago

All Snowden Files Rumored To Be Published in July

Multiple tweets from the digital library site Cryptome indicates that further, if not all, of Edward Snowden's NSA files will…

10 years ago

Real-Time Co-Authoring Added To Microsoft Office Web Apps

Microsoft responded with its own significant updates to the company's Web-based Office applications after a major, free update to Apple's…

11 years ago