
Latest Ransomware Now Hidden Within Javascript

When it comes to viruses Ransomware is particularly nasty. With thousands of users being affected by the latest in cyber crime,…

9 years ago

GuardKey USB Encryption Dongle For Drives and Cloud Review

Introduction There are many ways to approach digital security and data safety, and today I'm taking a closer look at…

9 years ago

University Of Calgary is Latest Ransomware Victim

When it comes to viruses and malware, ransomware is some of the worst for companies to encounter. Threatening all of…

9 years ago

TeslaCrypt’s Developers Are Giving The Keys To Their Ransomware Away

In recent years, a new spread of malicious software has emerged, ransomware. Designed to not only cause issues like viruses…

9 years ago

Refuse to Unlock Your Hard Drive? Get An Indefinite Life Sentence!

In recent years, encryption has taken a bad light in the press as people use it to hide malicious or…

9 years ago

Has John McAfee Been Caught Lying About Hacking Again?

Yesterday, reports emerged that attention-seeking billionaire John McAfee had hacked the end-to-end encryption of popular messaging app WhatsApp. According to…

9 years ago

FBI Director Comey Claims Encryption Is “Essential Tradecraft” For Terror Groups

The FBI have been all but quiet on the issue of encryption, with a rather large court battle with Apple…

9 years ago

Cyber Police Ransomware Demands Payment In iTunes Gift Cards

When it comes to the latest in viruses, ransomware is the next big thing for viruses. Ransomware benefits the hackers…

9 years ago

Man Jailed After He Failed To Decrypt Hard Drives

If there's one argument (other than the political arguments) that is on everyone's mind, it is the one about encryption. With…

9 years ago

Synology Urges You To Be On Guard Against Ransomware

Ransomware is some of the nastiest pieces of software in existence and in theory, it could hit anyone. Some people…

9 years ago

Apple Denies Handing Over Source Code to China

During an Energy and Commerce Committee hearing earlier this week, entitled "Deciphering the Debate Over Encryption: Industry and Law Enforcement…

9 years ago

San Bernardino iPhone Proves Useless Following Decryption

After a lengthy court battle, lasting months, that sought to compel Apple to compromise the security on an iPhone belonging…

9 years ago

Apple Claims it Has The ‘Most Effective Security Organization in the World’

In a recent press conference with some of Apple's engineers, the company stated that they had the 'most effective security…

9 years ago

Apple & FBI Heading Back to Congress to Debate Encryption

When Apple and the FBI first appeared in front of congress the debate was if Apple could be ordered to…

9 years ago

Obama to Appoint Execs From Uber, Mastercard & Microsoft to Cybersecurity Panel

Cybersecurity is a big issue this year, with people becoming more and more aware of the steps that both governments…

9 years ago