
NASA to Disable Voyager Probe Systems to Extend Their Interstellar Lifespan

Originally launched back in 1977, the Voyager probes currently represent the furthest man-made object that has ever left planet Earth.…

3 years ago

NASA Reveals Helicopter Attachment for Mars Rover

As we start to learn more about our neighbouring planet, various organisations (NASA chief amongst them) are looking to send…

5 years ago

NASA Plans to Establish Magnetic Shield for Martian Atmosphere

Unlike Earth, Mars is a cold, dry and barren place but it was not always that way. About 4.2 billion…

8 years ago

No Man’s Sky Loses 88% of Steam Player Count

Right now No Man's Sky currently holds the crown of being the biggest Steam release of 2016 so far, with…

8 years ago

Juno Returns The First Photos From Jupiter

NASA is keen on pursuing its mission to outer space and Juno is just the latest way for them to…

8 years ago

Boeing’s Echo Voyager Can Last Six Months Underwater

Boeing is known for creating a wide range of devices. A surveillance drone here, a giant rocket there and a sprinkling of…

9 years ago

NASA to Send Humanoid Robots to College

Hardly the typical vision of a model student, the latest high-tech admittance to MIT and the Northeastern University of Boston…

9 years ago

Far Cry Primal Announced

Far Cry has seen players jump from the peaks of the Himalayas to driving through jungle islands and deserts. You've…

9 years ago

Valve VR Demo Looks Similar to Myst, Only Extremely Detailed

Valve's virtual reality setup only allowed you to walk in areas the size of small rooms. This is really an…

10 years ago

Move Over Felix – Google Exec Breaks Sky Jump Record

Google's Vice-President Alan Eustace has just plummeted to the earth from a height of 135,890 feet to smash Felix Baumgartner’s…

10 years ago

The Multiplayer Exploration Game, World of Diving, Now in Steam Early Access

It's been over a year since we first reported about World of Diving, this was back when the game was…

10 years ago

Voyager 1 Now Confirmed to be in Interstellar Space

Voyager 1 as many will know has been on its mission to explore the far reaches of our solar system…

10 years ago

NASA Reveal The True Mystery Behind Mars “Pinnacle Island”

You may remember that over the last week or so there has been a lot of debate about an object…

11 years ago

Billion-Pixel Gaia Space Telescope Snaps It’s First Picture

While the first image taken by the Gaia Space Telescope may not look incredible, it really is an incredible first…

11 years ago

Another Win For Technology As Curiosity Finds Water On Mars!

The red planet is ever full of surprises recently, now Curiosity has found that the planet actually contains 2% water…

11 years ago