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Smile – The FBI Know Your Face!
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has appeared in the news a lot recently, with many of its practices being considered questionable. Firstly they were found to be tracking, intercepting and analysing information from all over the world thanks to PRISM, then they tried to force Apple to create custom software…
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The FBI Wants to Identify People Based on Their Tattoos
We’ve all seen it in the movies and on TV, with facial recognition software identifying a single person amongst crowds of millions all across a city. It would seem that we are not alone when we watch those films as the FBI now wants to take the software one step…
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The FBI’s Databases Will Be Exempt From Privacy Protections
When it comes to your information, keeping it up to date and private are some of the most important things in an age where companies are hacked on a regular basis and trade with your information. What happens when that information isn’t being stored by a company but a government…
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FBI Warns Against KeySweeper – The Latest Wireless Keyloggers
Security puts people at risk on what appears to be a daily basis and now the FBI is warning about a whole new type of security risk. You may think that your password gives people access to all your data, or how about downloading that malware or nasty ransomware that…
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The FAA Just Tested a New Drone Finding System
With increasing numbers of drones straying into commercial airspace, it is only a matter of time until one of the many near misses turns into a collision and causes some serious damage or even worse, loss of life. While the recent collision at Heathrow turned out not to be a drone…
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Mozilla Wont Get the Secrets Behind FBI’s Hack
When the FBI started taking people to court for accessing and storing illegal materials that they had managed to track back thanks to a vulnerability in the Tor browser, people started to worry just how the FBI had managed to track the defendants. When Mozilla wanted to know the secrets…
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FBI Director Comey Claims Encryption Is “Essential Tradecraft” For Terror Groups
The FBI have been all but quiet on the issue of encryption, with a rather large court battle with Apple only ending because the FBI found another way to reach their goals. The argument of encryption vs public security is one that won’t go away and during a news conference…
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Mozilla Wants to Know How the FBI Hacked Tor
After it was revealed that the FBI had managed to take control of a site hosting illegal material, people were quickly asking how they had managed to use it identify a person amongst the thousands of users connecting to the site. Now it would seem that Mozilla, the company behind…
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FBI Paid More Than $1.3m to Hack San Bernardino iPhone
The FBI, ‘forced’ to break the encryption on San Bernardino shooting suspect Syed Rizwan Farook’s iPhone itself following Apple’s refusal to compromise its security, paid more than $1.3 million to hack the phone in question, according to FBI Director James Comey. Comey was asked by the moderator at the Aspen…
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Apple Denies Handing Over Source Code to China
During an Energy and Commerce Committee hearing earlier this week, entitled “Deciphering the Debate Over Encryption: Industry and Law Enforcement Perspectives,” which discussed the feud between Apple and the FBI over an iPhone tied to the San Bernardino shootings, Indiana State Police Captain Charles Cohen, Commander of the Office of Intelligence…
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San Bernardino iPhone Proves Useless Following Decryption
After a lengthy court battle, lasting months, that sought to compel Apple to compromise the security on an iPhone belonging to San Bernardino shooting suspect Syed Rizwan Farook, the FBI finally achieved the feat on its own. The result? Absolutely nothing of use was gleaned from the device, according to…
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Apple & FBI Heading Back to Congress to Debate Encryption
When Apple and the FBI first appeared in front of congress the debate was if Apple could be ordered to unlock an iPhone, and if so should they then create a method where they could easily access future devices for law enforcement? While the case revolving around the San Bernardino…
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Security Flaw Allowed The FBI To Create The iPhone Cracking Software
Apple vs the FBI looks liked it would never end, originally starting with the FBI requesting (and then a federal judge ordering) Apple’s support in unlocking and gaining access to an iPhone in a court case. Apple looked to defend itself and ultimately the FBI recalled its actions when it…
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FBI Says Hackers Have Had Access to Government Systems Since 2011
While trying to gain access to iPhones and emails, the FBI are having to deal with a wholly different threat. Their own systems have been compromised and a group of hackers has had access to governments systems since 2011. The report that has been raised shows that a group that…
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US Congress Bill Plans to Make Effective Encryption Illegal
In the wake of the FBI’s feud with Apple over bypassing the encryption of San Bernardino shooting suspect Syed Rizwan Farook’s iPhone, the US Congress is proposing a new bill that aims to outlaw effective encryption, what is termed “technical assistance”, requiring any company or entity to build in backdoors…
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