Vint Cerf, ‘Father of the Internet’ Joins Growing Group of Net Neutrality Supporters

Net Neutrality This Thursday could shape the future of the internet. On the 14th of December, the FCC in America…

7 years ago

The Internet Association Urge FCC to Delay Net Neutrality Vote

The Internet Association write letter to the FCC urging a delay in the Net Neutrality repeal vote The FCC in…

7 years ago

FCC Starts Process to Revoke Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is, as expected, issuing an official proposal to revoke the net neutrality laws that were…

7 years ago

Canada Officially Strengthens Commitment to Net Neutrality

The Trump administration and its new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Ajit Pai objects to the Open Internet Order.…

7 years ago

Net Neutrality Protesters Rickroll FCC Meeting

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is on the verge of dismantling the net neutrality rules introduced under President Obama…

7 years ago

Elon Musk’s SpaceX to Launch 1Gb/s Global Internet

Elon Musk is moving a step closer to establishing a global internet service with his plan to launch a series…

8 years ago

ISP Says Internet Usage Is Like Eating Oreos

This is one of these articles that either will make you laugh, cry, or scream in anger - and maybe…

8 years ago

Comcast Want To Offer Discounts For People Who Share Their Online Activity

How much do you like a discount? With the topic of using your internet activity to provide "personalized" services arguing…

8 years ago

TP-Link Routers Must Support Open Source Firmware

When you begin creating a new internet network, the core component is your router. From the ones you receive at…

8 years ago

Linksys Defies FCC by Releasing New Open Source WRT Router

Linksys has unveiled a new DRT router, the WRT1900ACS, designed to run open source software, despite the US Federal Trade…

8 years ago

Obama Would Veto ‘Anti-Net Neutrality Bill”

The power to veto something is a strong one, and many governments have the power in place for specific reasons.…

8 years ago

FFC To Create “Nutrition Labels” For Your Broadband

The Federal Communications Commission do a lot of things, including monitoring and investigating companies which have less than kind business practices.…

8 years ago

FCC Says Netflix Throttling Itself Isn’t Against Net Neutrality

Recently the popular streaming service Netflix admitted that when it comes to mobile phones accessing their system, they reduced the…

8 years ago

FCC May Have Caused Manufacturers To Lock Down Routers Afterall

Last year we reported that the FCC (US Federal Communications Commission) may be moving to outlaw the practice of adding…

8 years ago

TP-Link to Block Open Source Router Firmware in the US

Popular network hardware manufacturer TP-Link have stated that they will be preventing their users from loading open source firmware such…

9 years ago