
Apple Acquisition of AuthenTec Meant No Nexus 6 Fingerprint Scanner

Back in 2012, Apple purchased biometrics company AuthenTec with the intention of including their fingerprint scanning technology in future iPhones and…

10 years ago

Fingerprint of Politician Cloned Just From Public Photos

A member of the Chaos Computer Club has reportedly 'cloned' the fingerprint of a politician from Germany solely using publicly available…

10 years ago

Mental Millet Part 2: Phone Specifications and Price

Yesterday we reported on Chinese phone manufacturer Millet processing an incredible 1.62 million phone orders over a non-stop 72-hour period, blasting the…

10 years ago

Individual App Locking With Touch ID Available Through AppLocker Jailbreak Tweak

It was consistently rumored that Apple will introduce a fingerprint scanner with the iPhone 5S, and that did happen. However…

11 years ago

New iPhone To Feature ‘Screen Expansion’ At 4.8-inch Displays

A lot of rumours were circulating regarding Apple's next big move in innovating their iPhone, with 'big' being the keyword…

11 years ago