
More Characters in Twitter’s Direct Messages From Next Month

We all tried to explain some things to friends over Twitter, but it proved to be so difficult and frustrating.…

10 years ago

Study Claims Internet Forums Are Good for You

A psychology study by Dr. Louise Pendry has shown that internet forums and the communities that arise around them have…

10 years ago

Upgrade Your Rig With DeepCool Competition Winners!

Following on the growing success of our Best Looking System Giveaway, we decided to have a little more fun with…

10 years ago

The Best Looking System Giveaway Winner!

It's time to reveal another lucky winner! For the last few weeks we've been running a wide range of awesome…

10 years ago

Xbox One Leaker Being Hunted By Microsoft, Could Face Legal Action

NeoGAF takes centre stage once again, with one users leaking an absolute mother-load of information about Microsoft products. The user…

11 years ago

Pakistani Hacker Hijacks openSUSE Forums

According to an article from Fudzilla, the openSUSE Forums were hacked recently by a Pakistani hacker going by the name…

11 years ago

PC Specialist £1000 Gaming PC Giveaway Winner Announced

It's taken us a while but we have finally managed to go through all of the entries for our PC…

12 years ago