
Google’s Deep Learning AI Project to Revolutionize Cancer Screening

Properly identifying whether the patient has cancer is no easy task, even for experienced pathologists. In fact, the likelihood of…

8 years ago

Scientists Create Smartphone Attachment for Screening Cancer

A new portable smartphone attachment that can be utilized to effectively screen for cancer is the result of a joint…

8 years ago

Omron Demos Project Zero 2.0 at CES 2017

In today's modern society, consumers are able to access vast sums of data to monitor their calorie intake and other…

8 years ago

Smart Stitches Tell You How Much You’ve Healed

When it comes to technology and medicine they go hand in hand. From the concept of being able to heal…

8 years ago

Introducing Pillo: Your Very Own Personal Home Health Robot

Pillo Health wants you to be intrigued by its Pillo “home health robot,” a curious blend of personal health, facial…

9 years ago

Fitbit Could be Getting Your Heart Rate Wrong

In this day and age, wearable technology can do amazing things. With people being able to check their emails and…

9 years ago

Toshiba Recalls Batteries Amongst Fears of Melting

Toshiba is a company known for their laptops and SSD's, offering hardware to hundreds of people. If you are one…

9 years ago

Battlefront Glitch Gives Gamers a Massive Advantage

If you've been Star Wars: Battlefront, one of the most eagerly awaited games released this year, you may have noticed…

9 years ago

Xiaomi Announces $16 Heart Rate Monitoring Fitness Watch

The fitness market is booming as people try to lose weight through calorie controlled diets, and rigorous exercise. Technological advancements…

9 years ago

Amazon Web Services Goes Down Before Getting Up Again

Bit of Tubthumping play on words in the title there, readers who remember the 90s will get this, surely, oh…

9 years ago

Google Health Now Contains Over 900 Illnesses Information

Google is developing a lot of tools and technologies that are said to be shaping the future. From their AR…

9 years ago

Almost ‘Fully Formed’ Human Brain Grown in a Lab for the First Time

Researchers from Ohio State University have come tantalizingly close to cultivating a human brain for the very first time. This…

9 years ago

E-Cigarettes Could be Prescribed by NHS to Wean Smokers Off Cigarettes

Smoking is one of the major health risks of modern society and contains over 4000 chemicals including nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide,…

9 years ago

First Details Emerge About Nintendo’s “Quality of Life” Device

There has been a great deal of contrasting theories regarding Nintendo's "Quality of Life" device and its possible relation to…

9 years ago

Can Depression be Detected by Analyzing Smartphone Data?

When I first stumbled upon this story I became interested for two reasons, firstly, sufferers all too often hide this…

9 years ago