Julian Assange

Julian Assange Wants to Dismantle Google

Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks – the non-profit media organisation notorious for leaking sensitive and confidential information, becoming the scourge…

10 years ago

WikiLeaks Starts Accepting Secret Documents Again

Nearly five years after closing its of its secret drop portal, WikiLeaks is again accepting secret document submissions. The organisation’s…

10 years ago

Entire Contents of Sony Hack Now Available On Wikileaks

The contents of last year’s infamous Sony Pictures hack have been published on Wikileaks in their entirety, with the whistleblowing…

10 years ago

Google Released WikiLeaks E-Mails to US Government

Three years after formal requests, Google has admitted that it released e-mails and other digital data own by WikiLeaks staff…

10 years ago

Julian Assange is Hosting a Reddit AMA Right Now!

We don't normally share up this kind of thing, but this could be one of the most important things you…

11 years ago

WikiLeaks Says Snowden Asylum Is A Battle Won But The War Continues

  With Edward Snowden being formally granted temporary asylum by Russia, WikiLeaks are hailing victory of a major battle. WikiLeaks…

11 years ago

Ecuador Says It Has Been “Infiltrated From All Sides” By Surveillance

Ecuador's heavy involvement with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as well as their relatively tentative involvement with the NSA whistleblower Edward…

11 years ago

Ecuador’s President Says Snowden’s Fate Is In Russia’s Control

The saga surrounding Edward Snowden and his ultimate destination seems to be getting more complex. Now RT reports that the…

11 years ago

NSA Boss Says He Knows Nothing About WikiLeaks

With the actions of the NSA exposed by now world-famous whistleblower Edward Snowden the NSA have been trying to calm…

11 years ago