
Holus Turns Your 2D Photos into 3D Holograms

No matter how well Don Draper was able to wax lyrical about them, slide shows are all too often a…

10 years ago

‘Better Re’ Made a Use for Old Phone Batteries

Better Re, a new project on Kickstarter with a goal of $50,000 by designer Enlighten has been funded by 648 backers.…

10 years ago

Sprite – The Drone That Fits in Your Pocket

In this day and age drones are in the news almost every day, from their use in the military to…

10 years ago

The Light Phone – A New Phone Devolution?

With technology trying to grab our attention more and more nowadays, it's refreshing to see a piece of technology surface…

10 years ago

Rasberry Pi Cuts Price in Wake of CHIP

Raspberry Pi (R.Pi) is the humble DIY enthusiast computer that anyone could buy and program for under £50. This little…

10 years ago

Dimension Drive Kickstarter Ruined by Funding Troll

Being an independent developer and creating your own game worthy of release is hard enough and getting it all out is…

10 years ago

X-Wing Designer Kickstarts New Space Dogfighting Game

The lead designer on the classic LucasArts Star Wars: X-Wing series has launched a Kickstarter for a new space dogfighting…

10 years ago

CyPhy Set to Take the Air by Storm

Drones, we all want one. We might never actually use it for the intended use, but just to have it…

10 years ago

Bruno Is the World’s First Smartcan

Do we really need smarter trash? It appears so as a new project on Kickstarter introduces us to Bruno, the…

10 years ago

Banjo-Kazooie Lives on in New Kickstarted Successor

It's a good time to be a Banjo-Kazooie fan as games new company, Playtonic Games, have successfully launched a Kickstarter…

10 years ago

Man Tries to Buy Kickstarter – by Raising Money on Kickstarter!

Kickstarter is no stranger to strange campaigns, but this one really sets the stupid bar pretty high, $1.2 billion high…

10 years ago

The £100 Pound Laser Pointer That Can Stay Still, Even If You Can’t

Do you get nervous when presenting to people or have a natural hand tremor? have come up with a…

10 years ago

Songbringer: The Zelda-a-Like That’s Different Every Time You Play

“What if each time you played The Legend of Zelda it was a different world with unique secrets and mysteriously new dungeons?”…

10 years ago

High-Tech Alarm Clock Uses Focused Beams of Sound and Light

Getting up on a morning can be a tricky task, one that can spell death for your alarm clock when…

10 years ago

Pebble Time’s Kickstarter Smashes Records by Raising more than $20 Million

Pebble's Time watch has launched on Kickstarter a month ago and has recently closed with a $20.3 million funding campaign.…

10 years ago