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Snowden’s Favourite Encrypted E-Mail Service Returns
Lavabit, the encrypted e-mail service that was favoured by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden before it closed down, has returned after three years in the wilderness. Back in 2013, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison closed the service rather than hand over its encryption keys to the FBI – which was investigating Snowden…
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Lavabit Encryption Key Ruling By U.S Government Is Unconstitutional State Attorneys
When the FBI demanded that Lavabit hand over the site’s SSL keys so they could access all user data the site owner Ladar Levison refused to cooperate and faced legal action as a result. Since the shut down of Lavabit support for it has grown and the Electronic Frontier Foundation…
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Lavabit Comes Online Briefly So Users Can Download Emails And Change Passwords
Email provider Lavabit shut down back in August after refusing to comply with U.S government requests that would essentially mean handing over customer data to the NSA. Lavabit’s owner has been bound by a public gag order but has still been able to explain the basic gist of the Lavabit…
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Lavabit Gave FBI 4pt Font 2560 Character SSL Keys, FBI Didn’t See The Funny Side
The Lavabit secure email service played a vital role in the NSA leaks released by Edward Snowden. The service was heavily investigated and taken offline last August and while the FBI have the files Snowden used, they can’t open the hefty security that was used to encrypt them. Lavabit founder,…
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“Silent Circle” Encrypted Email Service Chooses To Shut Down Too
We have already see the encrypted email service Lavabit voluntarily shut down rather than comply with U.S government requests or try and fight the U.S federal court rulings in what would be a long and expensive legal battle. Now another encrypted email service provider, Silent Circle, has taken an identical…
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Encrypted Email Service “Lavabit” Shuts Down Rather Than Comply With NSA
Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden used the encrypted email client Lavabit as his own email service. Lavabit is unique in that it offers totally private emails, shielded from government surveillance and messages, to internet users. However, just recently the owner of Lavabit took the decision to shut the service down…
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