
Microsoft Partner With Kano To Release a PC DIY Kit for Kids

Microsoft Partner To Release Kano PC I'm pretty sure that the way computers are taught in schools today is very…

6 years ago

CareSkore Spending Millions on Machine Learning

CareSkore is something which many have come across, although few know they have even seen it. CareSkore's system is often…

8 years ago

Yahoo Taught a Machine to Detect Abuse Online

The internet is a wide and open place, capable of catching the imaginations and dreams of millions of people with…

8 years ago

BBC Micro Bit Shipping Date Revealed

BBC's Micro Bit pocket-sized and programmable computer is an amazing little piece of technology, but the best of all is…

9 years ago

Apple Turn Stores into Classroom for a Day

Apple is known for a wide variety of things, from their phones and tablets to their business practices with other companies…

9 years ago

Nvidia Introduces Its Drive PX Self-Driving Car Computer

Nvidia has introduced its Drive PX, a self-driving computer for the automotive industry, which is now available as a developer…

10 years ago

NVIDIA Discuss the Rise of Deep Learning

GTC 2015: For the most part, GTC has already been a huge event for NVIDIA with the unveiling of the…

10 years ago

Kickstarter Campaign ‘Reading Rainbow’ Most Successful Campaign To Date

Back in the 80's, Reading Rainbow was one of the best known educational programs going, teaching kids of all ages…

10 years ago

A.I. Company DeepMind Acquired By Google, Should We Expect Cyborgs Now?

Google is in process of acquiring artificial intelligence company DeepMind based in London for a reported price of $400 million.…

11 years ago