mass surveillance

NSA Surveillance Program Operating For a Very Long Time

NSA operations have been going on a long, long, long, long time, that is according to the latest revelations by…

9 years ago

Former Homeland Security Secretary Speaks Out About Encryption Backdoors

While some governments are trying to ban end-to-end encryption or insert backdoors into encrypted systems, a prominent yet unexpected voice…

9 years ago

UK’s WhatsApp Ban Ruled Unlawful

UK Prime Minister David Cameron plans to ban any online messaging platform that uses end-to-end encryption, such that it would…

9 years ago

Hacking Team Release Ludicrous Statement

This story is so preposterous that I am going to play a little game called; “who are the hypocrites here.”…

9 years ago

UK Privacy and Apps Under Threat

Let me just jump on my soapbox for a minute with regards to this subject, according to reports, the newly…

10 years ago

Julian Assange Compares Surveillance State to a Malevolent God

In an exclusive interview with Byline, Julian Assange spoke about the evolution from the surveillance state to the surveillance society,…

10 years ago

US Tech Companies Set to Lose $35 Billion Due to NSA Surveillance

A number of US companies are set to lose an estimated $35 billion collectively due to revelations regarding NSA surveillance,…

10 years ago

UK Government Wants to Monitor Social Networking

UK government ministers announced over the weekend that it has awarded contracts to five companies to monitor citizen’s online content…

10 years ago

‘Handful of Senators’ Blocking Patriot Act Extension

US President Barack Obama has blamed a “handful of senators” for blocking the USA Freedom Act, designed to extend the…

10 years ago

Mozilla Protests Against France’s New Mass Surveillance Law

In a post on its blog, Mozilla has expressed its deep concern over the French National Assembly’s Projet de Loi…

10 years ago

Federal Court Rules NSA Mass Surveillance Illegal

In a huge victory for freedom, privacy, and human rights, the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has…

10 years ago

CIA Couldn’t Use NSA’s Surveillance Program as Analysts Didn’t Know it Existed

A 2009 CIA document – released courtesy of a victorious Freedom of Information lawsuit filed against the US Department of…

10 years ago

Feds Tracking International Calls Since 1992, Didn’t Stop 9/11

Since the inception of the Patriot Act, and amplified since the Snowden leak, the oft-repeated justification for intelligence services running…

10 years ago

Wikipedia Sues the NSA

  Wikipedia has filed a lawsuit against the US National Security Agency (NSA) over the anti-constitutional nature of its internet…

10 years ago

University of Toronto Creates Online Database of Leaked Snowden Documents

The University of Toronto, in partnership with Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE), has created an online searchable database of…

10 years ago