
US Navy Pirated 585K Copies of VR Software

When it comes to software pirates, they tend to download the latest games or even some episodes of Game of…

8 years ago

Navy Looking to Deploy Railgun on Destroyer

Railguns used to a work of fiction, propelling weapons on mecha suits and spaceships to fight aliens and space pirates.…

9 years ago

US Navy Renews Support with Microsoft

Windows XP reached end of life a year ago, I just turned off the last PC on our network running…

10 years ago

U.S. Navy Doesn’t Trust Lenovo With Their Weapon Systems

You don't trust anyone with the control of your weapon systems and it looks like the U.S. Navy isn't too…

10 years ago

US Navy’s Tiny Spy Drones Can Listen In to Enemy

At the Department of Defense's "Lab Day" last week at the Pentagon, scientists from the Naval Research Laboratory unveiled the newest…

10 years ago

Watch a Laser Cannon Shoot Down a Drone

The US Navy has a big new toy - the USS Ponce with its massive laser cannon. This giant cannon can shoot…

10 years ago

American Navy Still Using XP, Will Get Custom Patches From MS

If the reason you were intending to leave XP behind was because it just isn't cool enough, then think again.…

11 years ago

U.S. Navy’s Railgun Blowing Stuff Up

Ever watch BattleTech as a child? Well if you haven't you're missing out, but if you have then you're hopes…

11 years ago

U.S. Navy Testing Pilotless Helicopters

The Naval Research Labratory has been testing pilotless helicopters for some time now. In fact, they've been using them in…

11 years ago

U.S. Navy Testing Oculus Rift & Other 3D Tech

New research from the Office of Navel Research is looking for what ship controls might look like in the not…

11 years ago